The series features and highlight our remarkable sponsors and participants attending our Career Fair to give you a glance into their work, company culture and industry insight!

Leticia Bodo - Chemistry Specialist student
At CIC Annual Career Fair, besides connecting with company representatives, it is also a perfect opportunity to meet new people and connect with your peers within the GTA chemical community, such as Leticia Bodo. Leticia is currently in her final year as an undergraduate student at the University of Toronto, enrolling in the Chemistry Specialist program. As of May 2022, she started working for the Aspuru-Guzik group as a student researcher/ research assistant. Check out the interview to learn more about Leticia, her exciting journey and excellent skillset!

Shakiba Ghaffari - Career Fair Team Lead
Behind every successful event is a passionate Team Lead. After two years of virtual events, Shakiba Ghaffari, Industrial Liaison, has led the CIC Toronto to make its in-person comeback with the Annual Career Fair and #ShiftYourCareerForward. The event has successfully brought together 148 attendees and 20+ representatives from 9 different organizations to participate in this dynamic event, featuring multiple company booths, roundtable discussions, oral presentations, etc. Check out the interview to learn more!

LGC - Parisa Ghods, Ph.D.
Our Platinum Sponsor, LGC, is hiring at our Career Fair this year, and with their talent and performance management programmes, they are here to help you reach your maximum potential! Ahead of our event, Parisa Ghods, a synthetic chemist at LGC, has agreed to sit down with us and provide more insights on her job, work environment and what gets her excited about coming to work every day!

CannDelta Inc. - Lucas C. McCann, Ph.D.
CannDelta Inc. will be in attendance at this year's Career Fair to look for new talents to join their young but quickly growing team. For this occasion, we have a chance to talk with Dr. Lucas C. McCann, Co-Founder and Chief Scientific Officer at CannDelta, to give you an outlook on the company, the cannabis industry and what they are looking for in the next candidates. Check out the interview now!